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Underwood Community Schools

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Environmental Science Classes Plan Trees Around Campus


Mr. Killpack’s Environmental Science class was awarded the Tree’s for Kids Grant through the Iowa DNR this fall. The initial planting and maintenance of the trees were tied into the course curriculum in the habitat unit focusing on habitat loss, conservation, and restoration. Once the trees are established they will also be used in other units such as flora (plant) identification. The establishment of this outdoor classroom space will also serve as a benefit to our native habitats increasing the opportunities for hands-on, outdoor learning experiences. Our goal is to establish a school forest that could be used as a cross-curricular tool throughout the entire district at all grade levels. 

This project’s goals and benefits will positively impact our district's role within the community and its goals for the community. These goals include school beautification initiatives and maintaining our status as a destination district. This project will also serve as a focal point for student-led inquiry-based learning, hands-on projects, and opportunities to actively engage students with the outdoors and their community. This project will also aid us in building students’ appreciation for the efforts put forth by the community and previous classes to better their learning. This will help build an appreciation for the efforts our community and previous classes have put forth and help build a stewardship ethic among the students for our school and their community.